@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- celery.worker.hub
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Event-loop implementation.
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-from kombu.utils import cached_property
-from kombu.utils import eventio
-from kombu.utils.eventio import READ, WRITE, ERR
-from celery.five import items, range
-from celery.platforms import fileno
-from celery.utils.functional import maybe_list
-from celery.utils.log import get_logger
-from celery.utils.timer2 import Schedule
-__all__ = ['Hub', 'BoundedSemaphore', 'DummyLock']
-logger = get_logger(__name__)
-def repr_flag(flag):
- return '{0}{1}{2}'.format('R' if flag & READ else '',
- 'W' if flag & WRITE else '',
- '!' if flag & ERR else '')
-def _rcb(obj):
- if obj is None:
- return '<missing>'
- if isinstance(obj, str):
- return obj
- return obj.__name__
-class BoundedSemaphore(object):
- """Asynchronous Bounded Semaphore.
- Bounded means that the value will stay within the specified
- range even if released more times than it was acquired.
- Example:
- >>> x = BoundedSemaphore(2)
- >>> def callback(i):
- ... say('HELLO {0!r}'.format(i))
- >>> x.acquire(callback, 1)
- >>> x.acquire(callback, 2)
- >>> x.acquire(callback, 3)
- >>> x._waiters # private, do not access directly
- [(callback, 3)]
- >>> x.release()
- """
- def __init__(self, value):
- self.initial_value = self.value = value
- self._waiting = []
- def acquire(self, callback, *partial_args):
- """Acquire semaphore, applying ``callback`` if
- the resource is available.
- :param callback: The callback to apply.
- :param \*partial_args: partial arguments to callback.
- """
- if self.value <= 0:
- self._waiting.append((callback, partial_args))
- return False
- else:
- self.value = max(self.value - 1, 0)
- callback(*partial_args)
- return True
- def release(self):
- """Release semaphore.
- If there are any waiters this will apply the first waiter
- that is waiting for the resource (FIFO order).
- """
- self.value = min(self.value + 1, self.initial_value)
- if self._waiting:
- waiter, args = self._waiting.pop()
- waiter(*args)
- def grow(self, n=1):
- """Change the size of the semaphore to accept more users."""
- self.initial_value += n
- self.value += n
- [self.release() for _ in range(n)]
- def shrink(self, n=1):
- """Change the size of the semaphore to accept less users."""
- self.initial_value = max(self.initial_value - n, 0)
- self.value = max(self.value - n, 0)
- def clear(self):
- """Reset the sempahore, which also wipes out any waiting callbacks."""
- self._waiting[:] = []
- self.value = self.initial_value
-class Hub(object):
- """Event loop object.
- :keyword timer: Specify custom :class:`~celery.utils.timer2.Schedule`.
- """
- #: Flag set if reading from an fd will not block.
- #: Flag set if writing to an fd will not block.
- #: Flag set on error, and the fd should be read from asap.
- #: List of callbacks to be called when the loop is initialized,
- #: applied with the hub instance as sole argument.
- on_init = None
- #: List of callbacks to be called when the loop is exiting,
- #: applied with the hub instance as sole argument.
- on_close = None
- #: List of callbacks to be called when a task is received.
- #: Takes no arguments.
- on_task = None
- def __init__(self, timer=None):
- self.timer = Schedule() if timer is None else timer
- self.readers = {}
- self.writers = {}
- self.on_init = []
- self.on_close = []
- self.on_task = []
- # The eventloop (in celery.worker.loops)
- # will merge fds in this set and then instead of calling
- # the callback for each ready fd it will call the
- # :attr:`consolidate_callback` with the list of ready_fds
- # as an argument. This API is internal and is only
- # used by the multiprocessing pool to find inqueues
- # that are ready to write.
- self.consolidate = set()
- self.consolidate_callback = None
- def start(self):
- """Called by Hub bootstep at worker startup."""
- self.poller = eventio.poll()
- def stop(self):
- """Called by Hub bootstep at worker shutdown."""
- self.poller.close()
- def init(self):
- for callback in self.on_init:
- callback(self)
- def fire_timers(self, min_delay=1, max_delay=10, max_timers=10,
- propagate=()):
- delay = None
- if self.timer._queue:
- for i in range(max_timers):
- delay, entry = next(self.scheduler)
- if entry is None:
- break
- try:
- entry()
- except propagate:
- raise
- except Exception as exc:
- logger.error('Error in timer: %r', exc, exc_info=1)
- return min(max(delay or 0, min_delay), max_delay)
- def add(self, fds, callback, flags, consolidate=False):
- for fd in maybe_list(fds, None):
- try:
- self._add(fd, callback, flags, consolidate)
- except ValueError:
- self._discard(fd)
- def remove(self, fd):
- fd = fileno(fd)
- self._unregister(fd)
- self._discard(fd)
- def add_reader(self, fds, callback):
- return self.add(fds, callback, READ | ERR)
- def add_writer(self, fds, callback):
- return self.add(fds, callback, WRITE)
- def update_readers(self, readers):
- [self.add_reader(*x) for x in items(readers)]
- def update_writers(self, writers):
- [self.add_writer(*x) for x in items(writers)]
- def _unregister(self, fd):
- try:
- self.poller.unregister(fd)
- except (KeyError, OSError):
- pass
- def close(self, *args):
- [self._unregister(fd) for fd in self.readers]
- self.readers.clear()
- [self._unregister(fd) for fd in self.writers]
- self.writers.clear()
- for callback in self.on_close:
- callback(self)
- def _add(self, fd, cb, flags, consolidate=False):
- self.poller.register(fd, flags)
- (self.readers if flags & READ else self.writers)[fileno(fd)] = cb
- if consolidate:
- self.consolidate.add(fd)
- def _discard(self, fd):
- fd = fileno(fd)
- self.readers.pop(fd, None)
- self.writers.pop(fd, None)
- self.consolidate.discard(fd)
- def repr_active(self):
- return ', '.join(self._repr_readers() + self._repr_writers())
- def repr_events(self, events):
- return ', '.join(
- '{0}->{1}'.format(
- _rcb(self._callback_for(fd, fl, '{0!r}(GONE)'.format(fd))),
- repr_flag(fl),
- )
- for fd, fl in events
- )
- def _repr_readers(self):
- return ['({0}){1}->{2}'.format(fd, _rcb(cb), repr_flag(READ | ERR))
- for fd, cb in items(self.readers)]
- def _repr_writers(self):
- return ['({0}){1}->{2}'.format(fd, _rcb(cb), repr_flag(WRITE))
- for fd, cb in items(self.writers)]
- def _callback_for(self, fd, flag, *default):
- try:
- if flag & READ:
- return self.readers[fileno(fd)]
- if flag & WRITE:
- return self.writers[fileno(fd)]
- except KeyError:
- if default:
- return default[0]
- raise
- @cached_property
- def scheduler(self):
- return iter(self.timer)
-class DummyLock(object):
- """Pretending to be a lock."""
- def __enter__(self):
- return self
- def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
- pass