@@ -514,10 +514,14 @@ General
If it is an integer or float, it is interpreted as "tasks per second".
The rate limits can be specified in seconds, minutes or hours
- by appending `"/s"`, `"/m"` or `"/h"` to the value.
- Example: `"100/m"` (hundred tasks a minute). Default is the
- :setting:`CELERY_DEFAULT_RATE_LIMIT` setting, which if not specified means
- rate limiting for tasks is disabled by default.
+ by appending `"/s"`, `"/m"` or `"/h"` to the value. Tasks will be evenly
+ distributed over the specified time frame.
+ Example: `"100/m"` (hundred tasks a minute). This will enforce a minimum
+ delay of 10ms between starting two tasks.
+ Default is the :setting:`CELERY_DEFAULT_RATE_LIMIT` setting,
+ which if not specified means rate limiting for tasks is disabled by default.
.. attribute:: Task.time_limit