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-Ofair reference, rst formatting fixes (#3913)

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Se han modificado 1 ficheros con 11 adiciones y 9 borrados
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+ 11 - 9

@@ -66,10 +66,10 @@ consider enabling the :setting:`task_reject_on_worker_lost` setting.
     The default prefork pool scheduler is not friendly to long-running tasks,
     so if you have tasks that run for minutes/hours make sure you enable
-    the -Ofair`` command-line argument to the :program:`celery worker`.
-    See :ref:`prefork-pool-prefetch` for more information, and for the
-    best performance route long-running and short-running tasks to
-    dedicated workers (:ref:`routing-automatic`).
+    the :option:`-Ofair <celery worker -O>` command-line argument to
+    the :program:`celery worker`. See :ref:`prefork-pool-prefetch` for more
+    information, and for the best performance route long-running and
+    short-running tasks to dedicated workers (:ref:`routing-automatic`).
     If your worker hangs then please investigate what tasks are running
     before submitting an issue, as most likely the hanging is caused
@@ -1573,6 +1573,7 @@ By default celery will not enable you to run tasks within task synchronously
 in rare or extreme cases you might have to do so.
 enabling subtasks run synchronously is not recommended!
 .. code-block:: python
@@ -1743,21 +1744,22 @@ There's a race condition if the task starts executing
 before the transaction has been committed; The database object doesn't exist
-The solution is to use the ``on_commit`` callback to launch your celery task 
+The solution is to use the ``on_commit`` callback to launch your celery task
 once all transactions have been committed successfully.
 .. code-block:: python
     from django.db.transaction import on_commit
     def create_article(request):
         article = Article.objects.create()
         on_commit(lambda: expand_abbreviations.delay(article.pk))
 .. note::
-    ``on_commit` is available in Django 1.9 and above, if you are using a
-    version prior to that then the `django-transaction-hooks`_ library 
+    ``on_commit`` is available in Django 1.9 and above, if you are using a
+    version prior to that then the `django-transaction-hooks`_ library
     adds support for this.
 .. _`django-transaction-hooks`: https://github.com/carljm/django-transaction-hooks
 .. _task-example: