@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+import time
+from Queue import Queue
+from Queue import Empty as QueueEmpty
+RATE_MODIFIER_MAP = {"s": lambda n: n,
+ "m": lambda n: n / 60.0,
+ "h": lambda n: n / 60.0 / 60.0}
+BASE_IDENTIFIERS = {"0x": 16,
+ "0o": 8,
+ "0b": 2}
+class RateLimitExceeded(Exception):
+ """The token buckets rate limit has been exceeded."""
+def parse_ratelimit_string(rate_limit):
+ """Parse rate limit configurations such as ``"100/m"`` or ``"2/h"``
+ and convert them into seconds.
+ Returns ``0`` for no rate limit.
+ """
+ if rate_limit:
+ if isinstance(rate_limit, basestring):
+ base = BASE_IDENTIFIERS.get(rate_limit[:2], 10)
+ try:
+ return int(rate_limit, base)
+ except ValueError:
+ ops, _, modifier = rate_limit.partition("/")
+ return RATE_MODIFIER_MAP[modifier](int(ops, base)) or 0
+ return rate_limit or 0
+ return 0
+class TaskBucket(object):
+ """This is a collection of token buckets, each task type having
+ its own token bucket. If the task type doesn't have a rate limit,
+ it will have a plain Queue object instead of a token bucket queue.
+ The :meth:`put` operation forwards the task to its appropriate bucket,
+ while the :meth:`get` operation iterates over the buckets and retrieves
+ the first available item.
+ Say we have three types of tasks in the registry: ``celery.ping``,
+ ``feed.refresh`` and ``video.compress``, the TaskBucket will consist
+ of the following items::
+ {"celery.ping": TokenBucketQueue(fill_rate=300),
+ "feed.refresh": Queue(),
+ "video.compress": TokenBucketQueue(fill_rate=2)}
+ The get operation will iterate over these until one of the buckets
+ is able to return an item. The underlying datastructure is a ``dict``,
+ so the order is ignored here.
+ :param task_registry: The task registry used to get the task
+ type class for a given task name.
+ """
+ min_wait = 0.0
+ def __init__(self, task_registry):
+ self.task_registry = task_registry
+ self.buckets = {}
+ self.init_with_registry()
+ self.immediate = Queue()
+ def put(self, job):
+ """Put a task into the appropiate bucket."""
+ self.buckets[job.task_name].put_nowait(job)
+ put_nowait = put
+ def _get(self):
+ # If the first bucket is always returning items, we would never
+ # get to fetch items from the other buckets. So we always iterate over
+ # all the buckets and put any ready items into a queue called
+ # "immediate". This queue is always checked for cached items first.
+ if self.immediate:
+ try:
+ return 0, self.immediate.get_nowait()
+ except QueueEmpty:
+ pass
+ remaining_times = []
+ for bucket in self.buckets.values():
+ remaining = bucket.expected_time()
+ if not remaining:
+ try:
+ # Just put any ready items into the immediate queue.
+ self.immediate.put_nowait(bucket.get_nowait())
+ except QueueEmpty:
+ pass
+ except RateLimitExceeded:
+ remaining_times.append(bucket.expected_time())
+ else:
+ remaining_times.append(remaining)
+ # Try the immediate queue again.
+ try:
+ return 0, self.immediate.get_nowait()
+ except QueueEmpty:
+ if not remaining_times:
+ # No items in any of the buckets.
+ raise
+ # There's items, but have to wait before we can retrieve them,
+ # return the shortest remaining time.
+ return min(remaining_times), None
+ def get(self, block=True, timeout=None):
+ """Retrive the task from the first available bucket.
+ Available as in, there is an item in the queue and you can
+ consume tokens from it.
+ """
+ time_start = time.time()
+ did_timeout = lambda: timeout and time.time() - time_start > timeout
+ while True:
+ remaining_time, item = self._get()
+ if remaining_time:
+ if not block or did_timeout():
+ raise QueueEmpty
+ time.sleep(remaining_time)
+ else:
+ return item
+ def get_nowait(self):
+ return self.get(block=False)
+ def init_with_registry(self):
+ """Initialize with buckets for all the task types in the registry."""
+ map(self.add_bucket_for_type, self.task_registry.keys())
+ def get_bucket_for_type(self, task_name):
+ """Get the bucket for a particular task type."""
+ if task_name not in self.buckets:
+ return self.add_bucket_for_type(task_name)
+ return self.buckets[task_name]
+ def add_bucket_for_type(self, task_name):
+ """Add a bucket for a task type.
+ Will read the tasks rate limit and create a :class:`TokenBucketQueue`
+ if it has one. If the task doesn't have a rate limit a regular Queue
+ will be used.
+ """
+ assert task_name not in self.buckets
+ task_type = self.task_registry[task_name]
+ task_queue = Queue()
+ rate_limit = getattr(task_type, "rate_limit", None)
+ rate_limit = parse_ratelimit_string(rate_limit)
+ if rate_limit:
+ task_queue = TokenBucketQueue(rate_limit, queue=task_queue)
+ else:
+ task_queue.expected_time = lambda: 0
+ self.buckets[task_name] = task_queue
+ return task_queue
+ def qsize(self):
+ """Get the total size of all the queues."""
+ return sum(bucket.qsize() for bucket in self.buckets.values())
+ def empty(self):
+ return all(bucket.empty() for bucket in self.buckets.values())
+class TokenBucketQueue(object):
+ """Queue with rate limited get operations.
+ This uses the token bucket algorithm to rate limit the queue on get
+ operations.
+ See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Token_Bucket
+ Most of this code was stolen from an entry in the ASPN Python Cookbook:
+ http://code.activestate.com/recipes/511490/
+ :param fill_rate: see :attr:`fill_rate`.
+ :keyword capacity: see :attr:`capacity`.
+ .. attribute:: fill_rate
+ The rate in tokens/second that the bucket will be refilled.
+ .. attribute:: capacity
+ Maximum number of tokens in the bucket. Default is ``1``.
+ .. attribute:: timestamp
+ Timestamp of the last time a token was taken out of the bucket.
+ """
+ RateLimitExceeded = RateLimitExceeded
+ def __init__(self, fill_rate, queue=None, capacity=1):
+ self.capacity = float(capacity)
+ self._tokens = self.capacity
+ self.queue = queue
+ if not self.queue:
+ self.queue = Queue()
+ self.fill_rate = float(fill_rate)
+ self.timestamp = time.time()
+ def put(self, item, block=True):
+ """Put an item into the queue.
+ Also see :meth:`Queue.Queue.put`.
+ """
+ put = self.queue.put if block else self.queue.put_nowait
+ put(item)
+ def put_nowait(self, item):
+ """Put an item into the queue without blocking.
+ :raises Queue.Full: If a free slot is not immediately available.
+ Also see :meth:`Queue.Queue.put_nowait`
+ """
+ return self.put(item, block=False)
+ def get(self, block=True):
+ """Remove and return an item from the queue.
+ :raises RateLimitExceeded: If a token could not be consumed from the
+ token bucket (consuming from the queue too fast).
+ :raises Queue.Empty: If an item is not immediately available.
+ Also see :meth:`Queue.Queue.get`.
+ """
+ get = self.queue.get if block else self.queue.get_nowait
+ if not self.can_consume(1):
+ raise RateLimitExceeded
+ return get()
+ def get_nowait(self):
+ """Remove and return an item from the queue without blocking.
+ :raises RateLimitExceeded: If a token could not be consumed from the
+ token bucket (consuming from the queue too fast).
+ :raises Queue.Empty: If an item is not immediately available.
+ Also see :meth:`Queue.Queue.get_nowait`.
+ """
+ return self.get(block=False)
+ def qsize(self):
+ """Returns the size of the queue.
+ See :meth:`Queue.Queue.qsize`.
+ """
+ return self.queue.qsize()
+ def empty(self):
+ return self.queue.empty()
+ def wait(self, block=False):
+ """Wait until a token can be retrieved from the bucket and return
+ the next item."""
+ while True:
+ remaining = self.expected_time()
+ if not remaining:
+ return self.get(block=block)
+ time.sleep(remaining)
+ def can_consume(self, tokens=1):
+ """Consume tokens from the bucket. Returns True if there were
+ sufficient tokens otherwise False."""
+ if tokens <= self._get_tokens():
+ self._tokens -= tokens
+ return True
+ return False
+ def expected_time(self, tokens=1):
+ """Returns the expected time in seconds when a new token should be
+ available."""
+ tokens = max(tokens, self._get_tokens())
+ return (tokens - self._get_tokens()) / self.fill_rate
+ def _get_tokens(self):
+ if self._tokens < self.capacity:
+ now = time.time()
+ delta = self.fill_rate * (now - self.timestamp)
+ self._tokens = min(self.capacity, self._tokens + delta)
+ self.timestamp = now
+ return self._tokens