@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-.. _broker-couchdb:
- Using CouchDB
-.. admonition:: Experimental Status
- The CouchDB transport is in need of improvements in many areas and there
- are several open bugs. Unfortunately we don't have the resources or funds
- required to improve the situation, so we're looking for contributors
- and partners willing to help.
-.. _broker-couchdb-installation:
-For the CouchDB support you have to install additional dependencies.
-You can install both Celery and these dependencies in one go using
-the ``celery[couchdb]`` :ref:`bundle <bundles>`:
-.. code-block:: console
- $ pip install -U celery[couchdb]
-.. _broker-couchdb-configuration:
-Configuration is easy, set the transport, and configure the location of
-your CouchDB database:
-.. code-block:: python
- broker_url = 'couchdb://localhost:5984/database_name'
-Where the URL is in the format of:
-.. code-block:: text
- couchdb://userid:password@hostname:port/database_name
-The host name will default to ``localhost`` and the port to 5984,
-and so they are optional. ``userid`` and ``password`` are also optional,
-but needed if your CouchDB server requires authentication.
-.. _couchdb-results-configuration:
-Storing task state and results in CouchDB is currently **not supported**.
-.. _broker-couchdb-limitations:
-The CouchDB message transport does not currently support:
- * Remote control commands (:program:`celery inspect`,
- :program:`celery control`, broadcast)