@@ -15,9 +15,29 @@ If you're looking for versions prior to 3.x you should see :ref:`history`.
:release-date: 2012-09-XX XX:XX X.M BST
+- Now depends on kombu 2.4.0
- Now depends on billiard
-- Now depends on Kombu 2.4.0
+- Redis: Celery now tries to restore messages whenever there are no messages
+ in the queue.
+- Crontab schedules now properly respects :setting:`CELERY_TIMEZONE` setting.
+ It's important to note that crontab schedules uses UTC time by default
+ unless this setting is set.
+ Issue #904 and django-celery #150.
+- ``billiard.enable_forking`` is now only set by the processes pool.
+- The transport is now properly shown by :program:`celery report`
+ (Issue #913).
+- The `--app` argument now works if the last part is a module name
+ (Issue #921).
+- Fixed problem with unpickleable exceptions (billiard #12).
- Adds ``task_name`` attribute to ``EagerResult`` which is always
:const:`None` (Issue #907).
@@ -45,9 +65,6 @@ If you're looking for versions prior to 3.x you should see :ref:`history`.
- The argument to :class:`~celery.exceptions.TaskRevokedError` is now one
of the reasons ``revoked``, ``expired`` or ``terminated``.
-- Redis: Celery now tries to restore messages whenever there are no messages
- in the queue.
- Old Task class does no longer use classmethods for push_request and
pop_request (Issue #912).