@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ rush in moving to the new settings format.
``CELERY_DEFAULT_QUEUE`` :setting:`task_default_queue`
``CELERY_DEFAULT_RATE_LIMIT`` :setting:`task_default_rate_limit`
``CELERY_DEFAULT_ROUTING_KEY`` :setting:`task_default_routing_key`
-``-"-_EAGER_PROPAGATES_EXCEPTIONS`` :setting:`task_eager_propagates`
+``-'-_EAGER_PROPAGATES_EXCEPTIONS`` :setting:`task_eager_propagates`
``CELERY_IGNORE_RESULT`` :setting:`task_ignore_result`
``CELERY_TASK_PUBLISH_RETRY`` :setting:`task_publish_retry`
``CELERY_TASK_PUBLISH_RETRY_POLICY`` :setting:`task_publish_retry_policy`
@@ -389,10 +389,10 @@ If set, the worker stores all task errors in the result store even if
-If :const:`True` the task will report its status as "started" when the
+If :const:`True` the task will report its status as 'started' when the
task is executed by a worker. The default value is :const:`False` as
the normal behaviour is to not report that level of granularity. Tasks
-are either pending, finished, or waiting to be retried. Having a "started"
+are either pending, finished, or waiting to be retried. Having a 'started'
state can be useful for when there are long running tasks and there is a
need to report which task is currently running.
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ Default is to expire after 1 day.
-Enables client caching of results, which can be useful for the old "amqp"
+Enables client caching of results, which can be useful for the old 'amqp'
backend where the result is unavailable as soon as one result instance
consumes it.
@@ -1041,21 +1041,21 @@ Riak backend settings
This backend requires the :setting:`result_backend`
setting to be set to a Riak URL::
- result_backend = "riak://host:port/bucket"
+ result_backend = 'riak://host:port/bucket'
For example::
- result_backend = "riak://localhost/celery
+ result_backend = 'riak://localhost/celery
which is the same as::
- result_backend = "riak://"
+ result_backend = 'riak://'
The fields of the URL are defined as follows:
- *host*
-Host name or IP address of the Riak server. e.g. `"localhost"`.
+Host name or IP address of the Riak server. e.g. `'localhost'`.
- *port*
@@ -1307,25 +1307,30 @@ in order.
A router can be specified as either:
-* A router class instances
+* A router class instance.
* A string which provides the path to a router class
-* A dict containing router specification. It will be converted to a :class:`celery.routes.MapRoute` instance.
+* A dict containing router specification:
+ Will be converted to a :class:`celery.routes.MapRoute` instance.
+* A list of ``(pattern, route)`` tuples:
+ Will be converted to a :class:`celery.routes.MapRoute` instance.
.. code-block:: python
task_routes = {
- "celery.ping": "default",
- "mytasks.add": "cpu-bound",
- "video.encode": {
- "queue": "video",
- "exchange": "media"
- "routing_key": "media.video.encode",
+ 'celery.ping': 'default',
+ 'mytasks.add': 'cpu-bound',
+ 'feed.tasks.*': 'feeds', # <-- glob pattern
+ re.compile(r'(image|video)\.tasks\..*'): 'media', # <-- regex
+ 'video.encode': {
+ 'queue': 'video',
+ 'exchange': 'media'
+ 'routing_key': 'media.video.encode',
- task_routes = ("myapp.tasks.Router", {"celery.ping": "default})
+ task_routes = ('myapp.tasks.Router', {'celery.ping': 'default})
Where ``myapp.tasks.Router`` could be:
@@ -1334,8 +1339,8 @@ Where ``myapp.tasks.Router`` could be:
class Router(object):
def route_for_task(self, task, args=None, kwargs=None):
- if task == "celery.ping":
- return "default"
+ if task == 'celery.ping':
+ return {'queue': 'default'}
``route_for_task`` may return a string or a dict. A string then means
it's a queue name in :setting:`task_queues`, a dict means it's a custom route.
@@ -1349,20 +1354,20 @@ Example if :func:`~celery.execute.apply_async` has these arguments:
.. code-block:: python
- Task.apply_async(immediate=False, exchange="video",
- routing_key="video.compress")
+ Task.apply_async(immediate=False, exchange='video',
+ routing_key='video.compress')
and a router returns:
.. code-block:: python
- {"immediate": True, "exchange": "urgent"}
+ {'immediate': True, 'exchange': 'urgent'}
the final message options will be:
.. code-block:: python
- immediate=True, exchange="urgent", routing_key="video.compress"
+ immediate=True, exchange='urgent', routing_key='video.compress'
(and any default message options defined in the
:class:`~celery.task.base.Task` class)
@@ -1375,17 +1380,17 @@ With the follow settings:
.. code-block:: python
task_queues = {
- "cpubound": {
- "exchange": "cpubound",
- "routing_key": "cpubound",
+ 'cpubound': {
+ 'exchange': 'cpubound',
+ 'routing_key': 'cpubound',
task_routes = {
- "tasks.add": {
- "queue": "cpubound",
- "routing_key": "tasks.add",
- "serializer": "json",
+ 'tasks.add': {
+ 'queue': 'cpubound',
+ 'routing_key': 'tasks.add',
+ 'serializer': 'json',
@@ -1393,9 +1398,9 @@ The final routing options for ``tasks.add`` will become:
.. code-block:: javascript
- {"exchange": "cpubound",
- "routing_key": "tasks.add",
- "serializer": "json"}
+ {'exchange': 'cpubound',
+ 'routing_key': 'tasks.add',
+ 'serializer': 'json'}
See :ref:`routers` for more examples.
@@ -1970,7 +1975,7 @@ email_charset
.. versionadded:: 4.0
-Charset for outgoing emails. Default is "utf-8".
+Charset for outgoing emails. Default is 'utf-8'.
.. _conf-example-error-mail-config: