@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-import operator
- import cPickle as pickle
-except ImportError:
- import pickle
-from celery.utils.functional import curry
-def find_nearest_pickleable_exception(exc):
- """With an exception instance, iterate over its super classes (by mro)
- and find the first super exception that is pickleable. It does
- not go below :exc:`Exception` (i.e. it skips :exc:`Exception`,
- :class:`BaseException` and :class:`object`). If that happens
- you should use :exc:`UnpickleableException` instead.
- :param exc: An exception instance.
- :returns: the nearest exception if it's not :exc:`Exception` or below,
- if it is it returns ``None``.
- :rtype: :exc:`Exception`
- """
- unwanted = (Exception, BaseException, object)
- is_unwanted = lambda exc: any(map(curry(operator.is_, exc), unwanted))
- mro_ = getattr(exc.__class__, "mro", lambda: [])
- for supercls in mro_():
- if is_unwanted(supercls):
- # only BaseException and object, from here on down,
- # we don't care about these.
- return None
- try:
- exc_args = getattr(exc, "args", [])
- superexc = supercls(*exc_args)
- pickle.dumps(superexc)
- except:
- pass
- else:
- return superexc
- return None
-def create_exception_cls(name, module, parent=None):
- """Dynamically create an exception class."""
- if not parent:
- parent = Exception
- return type(name, (parent, ), {"__module__": module})
-class UnpickleableExceptionWrapper(Exception):
- """Wraps unpickleable exceptions.
- :param exc_module: see :attr:`exc_module`.
- :param exc_cls_name: see :attr:`exc_cls_name`.
- :param exc_args: see :attr:`exc_args`
- .. attribute:: exc_module
- The module of the original exception.
- .. attribute:: exc_cls_name
- The name of the original exception class.
- .. attribute:: exc_args
- The arguments for the original exception.
- Example
- >>> try:
- ... something_raising_unpickleable_exc()
- >>> except Exception, e:
- ... exc = UnpickleableException(e.__class__.__module__,
- ... e.__class__.__name__,
- ... e.args)
- ... pickle.dumps(exc) # Works fine.
- """
- def __init__(self, exc_module, exc_cls_name, exc_args):
- self.exc_module = exc_module
- self.exc_cls_name = exc_cls_name
- self.exc_args = exc_args
- super(Exception, self).__init__(exc_module, exc_cls_name, exc_args)
-def get_pickleable_exception(exc):
- """Make sure exception is pickleable."""
- nearest = find_nearest_pickleable_exception(exc)
- if nearest:
- return nearest
- try:
- pickle.dumps(exc)
- except pickle.PickleError:
- excwrapper = UnpickleableExceptionWrapper(
- exc.__class__.__module__,
- exc.__class__.__name__,
- getattr(exc, "args", []))
- return excwrapper
- return exc
-def get_pickled_exception(exc):
- """Get original exception from exception pickled using
- :meth:`get_pickleable_exception`."""
- if isinstance(exc, UnpickleableExceptionWrapper):
- exc_cls = create_exception_cls(exc.exc_cls_name,
- exc.exc_module)
- return exc_cls(*exc.exc_args)
- return exc