@@ -51,39 +51,6 @@ if PY26_OR_LESS:
elif PY33_OR_LESS and not PYPY24_ATLEAST:
raise Exception(E_UNSUPPORTED_PYTHON % (PYIMP, '3.4'))
-downgrade_packages = [
- 'celery.app.task',
-orig_path = sys.path[:]
-for path in (os.path.curdir, os.getcwd()):
- if path in sys.path:
- sys.path.remove(path)
- import imp
- import shutil
- for pkg in downgrade_packages:
- try:
- parent, module = pkg.rsplit('.', 1)
- print('- Trying to upgrade %r in %r' % (module, parent))
- parent_mod = __import__(parent, None, None, [parent])
- _, mod_path, _ = imp.find_module(module, parent_mod.__path__)
- if mod_path.endswith('/' + module):
- print('- force upgrading previous installation')
- print(' - removing {0!r} package...'.format(mod_path))
- try:
- shutil.rmtree(os.path.abspath(mod_path))
- except Exception:
- sys.stderr.write('Could not remove {0!r}: {1!r}\n'.format(
- mod_path, sys.exc_info[1]))
- except ImportError:
- print('- upgrade %s: no old version found.' % module)
- pass
- sys.path[:] = orig_path
classes = """