@@ -16,22 +16,25 @@ from celery.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured, SystemTerminate
from celery.utils import get_full_cls_name, LOG_LEVELS, cry
from celery.worker import WorkController
-Configuration ->
- . broker -> %(conninfo)s
- . queues ->
- . concurrency -> %(concurrency)s
- . loader -> %(loader)s
- . logfile -> %(logfile)s@%(loglevel)s
- . events -> %(events)s
- . beat -> %(celerybeat)s
+BANNER = """
+ -------------- celery@%(hostname)s v%(version)s
+---- **** -----
+--- * *** * -- [Configuration]
+-- * - **** --- . broker: %(conninfo)s
+- ** ---------- . loader: %(loader)s
+- ** ---------- . logfile: %(logfile)s@%(loglevel)s
+- ** ---------- . concurrency: %(concurrency)s
+- ** ---------- . events: %(events)s
+- *** --- * --- . beat: %(celerybeat)s
+-- ******* ----
+--- ***** ----- [Queues]
+ -------------- %(queues)s
-TASK_LIST_FMT = """ . tasks ->\n%s"""
class Worker(object):
WorkController = WorkController
@@ -102,8 +105,6 @@ class Worker(object):
- print(str(self.colored.cyan(
- "celery@%s v%s is starting." % (self.hostname, __version__))))
if getattr(os, "geteuid", None) and os.geteuid() == 0:
@@ -114,8 +115,9 @@ class Worker(object):
# Dump configuration to screen so we have some basic information
# for when users sends bug reports.
- print(str(self.colored.reset(" \n", self.startup_info())))
- self.set_process_status("Running...")
+ print(str(self.colored.cyan(" \n", self.startup_info())) +
+ str(self.colored.reset(self.extra_info())))
+ self.set_process_status("-active-")
@@ -169,25 +171,31 @@ class Worker(object):
if not include_builtins:
tasklist = filter(lambda s: not s.startswith("celery."),
- return TASK_LIST_FMT % "\n".join("\t. %s" % task
- for task in sorted(tasklist))
+ return "\n".join(" . %s" % task for task in sorted(tasklist))
- def startup_info(self):
- tasklist = ""
+ def extra_info(self):
if self.loglevel <= logging.INFO:
include_builtins = self.loglevel <= logging.DEBUG
tasklist = self.tasklist(include_builtins=include_builtins)
+ return EXTRA_INFO_FMT % {"tasks": tasklist}
+ return ""
- return STARTUP_INFO_FMT % {
+ def startup_info(self):
+ concurrency = self.concurrency
+ if self.autoscale:
+ cmax, cmin = self.autoscale
+ concurrency = "{min=%s, max=%s}" % (cmin, cmax)
+ return BANNER % {
+ "hostname": self.hostname,
+ "version": __version__,
"conninfo": self.app.broker_connection().as_uri(),
- "queues": self.queues.format(indent=8),
- "concurrency": self.concurrency,
+ "concurrency": concurrency,
"loglevel": LOG_LEVELS[self.loglevel],
"logfile": self.logfile or "[stderr]",
"celerybeat": self.run_clockservice and "ON" or "OFF",
"events": self.events and "ON" or "OFF",
- "tasks": tasklist,
"loader": get_full_cls_name(self.loader.__class__),
+ "queues": self.queues.format(indent=18, indent_first=False),
def run_worker(self):